Kurdish Kolbar Wounded by Direct Fire from Iranian Border Guards

04 June 2024 11:52

Hengaw; Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Yesterday, a Kurdish kolbar from Marivan, identified as Mozaffar Asadrokh, was severely injured by direct fire from Iranian border guards while carrying goods at the borders of this city. He is currently receiving medical care at Fajr Hospital in Marivan, Kurdistan (Sanandaj) Province.

According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Monday, June 3, 2024, due to the shooting by the border guards stationed at the Savoj border of Marivan towards the kolbars, a 44-year-old kolbar named Mozaffar Asadrokh was severely injured.

Informed sources have stated that Mozaffar Asadrokh was severely injured in the leg and has been transferred to Fajr Hospital in Marivan, where he is currently under medical care.

Mozaffar Asadrokh, a resident of "Chawg" village in the suburbs of Marivan, is married and  father to two children.

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