Jamal Ghasemi , Kurdish environmental activist and member of “ Zhinko” Environmental Association detained

Hengaw : The wave of mass detention of Kurdish citizens has reached Oshnaviyeh

29 January 2021 13:52

 Hengaw : The wave of mass detention of Kurdish citizens has reached Oshnaviyeh (Sheno) district of West Azerbaijan (Urmia) province in Iranian Kurdistan and one of the city's environmental activists has been detained by Iranian security forces.

 According to a report received by Henagw Human Rights Organization, on the evening of Thursday, January 28, 2021, Jamal Ghasemi, a Kurdish environmental activist and member of “azhi lo” Environmental Association, was detained  in Oshnaviyeh by Iranian security forces and transferred to an unknown location.

 According to an informed source, security forces raided the home of this Kurdish activist at night and transferred him to an unknown location after his detention .

 As of preparation of this report , there is no information about  reason or reasons of  Jamal Ghasemi’s detention ,  and he charges against him by Iranian security  forces , and also his whereabouts.

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