4 other Kurdish citizens detained in Oahnaviyeh

Hengaw : Following the wave of mass detention of Kurdish citizen

29 January 2021 23:31

 Hengaw : Following the wave of mass detention of Kurdish citizens by Iranian security forces 4 other  citizens have been detained  in Oshnaviyeh (Sheno) district of West Azerbaijan (Urmia)  province in Iranian Kurdistan.

 According to a report received by Hengaw Human Rights Organization, on the morning of Friday, January 29, 2021, the Iranian security forces in Oshnaviyeh detained  at least 4 Kurdish citizens identified as "Ghafoor Espandar" from the village of "Aliabad", "Seyed Luqman Taheri" from the village of “Piroutabad” , “ Shuresh Barham” and “Jamal Nahali” from Oshnaviye.
They were later transferred to an unknown location after their detention , and their fate remains unknown.

 As of preparation of this report , the reason or reasons for detention of these 3 Kurdish citizens and the charges against have not been clarified for Hengaw.

 Previous night , a Kurdish environmental activist and a member of “ Zhinko”Environmental Association was detained  by Iranian  security services in Oshnaviyeh .

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