8 Kurdish citizens detained in Oshnaviyeh

Hengaw : During pas three days, at least 8 Kurdish citizens have been detained in O

30 January 2021 23:34


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Hengaw : During pas  three days, at least 8 Kurdish citizens have been detained in  Oshnaviyeh (Sheno) district of West Azerbaijan (Urmia) province in Iranian Kurdistan by  Iranian security forces  and the number of detainees is likely to increase.

 According to a report received by Hengaw Human Rights Organization, on Friday, January 29, 2021, a Kurdish citizen, resident  of the village of "Shahvaneh" in  Oshnaviyeh , identified as Faisal Aliabadi, was detained by  Iranian security forces  and transferred to an unknown location.

 On the same day, four other citizens, identified as Shurash Barham, Jamal Nahali, Seyed Luqman Taheri, and Ghafoor Espandar, were also detained .
 Also, on the evening of Thursday, January 28, 2021, two other Kurdish citizens, identified as Jamal Ghasemi and Jibril Shabani, were detained.

 Also, on Saturday, January 30, another kurdish citizen from Oshnaviyeh identified as Shafi Sheikhe was detained.

 Until the preparation of this news, there is no information about the reason or reasons for the detention of these 8 citizens, as well as their fate and whereabouts, and their families’ follow-ups in this regard have been fruitless.

 Also a day earlier, another Kurdish citizen, identified as Faisal Aliabadi, resident of Shahvaneh village in Oshnaviyeh , was detained  by Iranian intelligence forces.

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