An other Kurdish citizen detained in Oshnaviyeh

Hengaw : Following the wave of mass detention of Kurdish citizens in Iranian K

31 January 2021 14:51


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Hengaw : Following the wave of mass detention of Kurdish citizens in Iranian Kurdistan , another citizen has been detained  by Iranian security forces in Oshnaviyeh district of West Azerbaijan (Urmia) province in Iranian Kurdistan.

 According to a report received by Hengaw  Human Rights Organization, on Saturday, January 31, 2021 , the Iranian security forces  detained a Kurdish citizen in Oshanaviyeh identified as “ Wahid Sheikh Mohammadi " on charges of collaborating with a Kurdish opposition party and transferred him to an unknown location.

 As of preparation of this report , the fate and whereabouts of Wahid Sheikh Mohammadi  are unknown, and his family's efforts in this regard have been fruitless.

 According to statistics recorded by the Statistics and Documentation Data Center of Hengaw  Human Rights Organization, at least 9 Kurdish citizens have been detained by Iranian  security services in the city of Oahnaviyeh over the past three days.

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