The arrest and ignorance of the fate of a citizen from Sanandaj

A citizen from Sanandaj identified as Eqbal Dousti, 53, was arrested last Tuesday, July 19, 2022, by the Intelligence forces

27 July 2022 00:00


Hengaw: Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A citizen from Sanandaj identified as Eqbal Dousti, 53, was arrested last Tuesday, July 19, 2022, by the Intelligence forces of this city, and his fate is unknown.


According to the report received by Hengaw Human Rights Organization, the Intelligence forces raided the shop (poultry shop) of Eqbal Dousti located on Khosroabad Boulevard, without presenting any judicial documents and arrested him.

Although more than a week has passed since the arrest of Eqbal Dousti by the Intelligence forces, detailed information about the reasons for the arrest and charges against him, and his fate and whereabouts are not available, and his family's efforts in this regard have been fruitless.

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