2 Kurdish citizens abducted in Javanroud by Iranian government forces

Iranian government forces used intimidation and violence to abduct Dana Karimi and Dr. Rahim Azizi from the Bayashush village of Javanroud.

06 December 2022 14:55


Hengaw: Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Iranian government forces used intimidation and violence to abduct Dana Karimi and Dr. Rahim Azizi from the Bayashush village of Javanroud.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Monday, December 5, 2022, the Iranian government forces abducted Dana Karimi and Dr. Rahim Azizi by attacking residential houses in the village of Bayashush, located near Javanroud, Kermanshah Province.

According to eyewitnesses, during the abduction of these two citizens, Iranian government forces broke the windows of the houses and created an atmosphere of intimidation among the families.

Until this moment, no information has been obtained about the condition of Dana Karimi and Rahim Azizi, and their whereabouts are also unknown.

Based on the statistics registered in the Statistics and Documents Center of the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, 7 citizens from Javanrud have been killed by the Iranian government forces during the current uprising, and the atmosphere of this city is still under intimidation and repression of these forces.

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