18 business owners arrested in Oshnavieh were identified by Hengaw

At least 18 business owners in Oshnaviyeh’s market were arrested, humiliated, and threatened by the Iranian government institutions following the strikes ...

10 December 2022 16:56


Hengaw: Saturday, December 10, 2022

At least 18 business owners in Oshnavieh’s market were arrested, humiliated, and threatened by the Iranian government institutions following the strikes in the past few weeks. The identities of 18 of them have been verified by Hengaw.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, the IRGC intelligence in Oshnavieh summoned and arrested several businessmen named Idris Karsaz, Kaveh Kurdi, Nima Mihankhah, Ali Sharafat, Ismail Sharaft, Saman Asadi, Rahman Motasab, Mustafa Arab, Abdul Rahman Delpasand, Yusuf Azrang, Hossein Shaltuki, Karim Tutunkar, Rahim Fallah, Azad Mohammadi, Amir Mohammadi, and Shafi Hasani. 

Also, two goldsmith brothers named Farouq Pashaei and Qasim Pashaei have been arrested after IRGC intelligence forces raided their homes.

Hengaw has been informed that these citizens have been humiliated by shaving their mustaches.

According to informed sources, the Iranian government institutions insulted the leaders of the Kurdistan movement, including Dr. Abdarrahman Ghasemlou, in front of these arrested citizens, and one of the Iranian government forces urinated on the photo of the political figures of Kurdistan.

According to what Hengaw has obtained, the government forces moved Azad Mohammadi and Amir Mohammadi, two goldsmith brothers and members of this business group, to the village of Shiveh Samak, 40 kilometers outside of Oshnaviyeh city, at 3 a.m. on Thursday, December 8, and abandoned them.

At the same time, the electric power flow of Oshnavieh's Bazaar from Piranshahr Blvd to Gilas Square was cut off by Iranian government institutions, according to the reports received by Hengaw.

Also, government institutions have confiscated the mobile phones and business permissions of these business owners in Oshnavieh.

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