The fate of two kidnapped citizens from Sanandaj remains unknown

Two citizens, Hirad Bahmani and Azad Falati have been transferred to an unknown location after being kidnapped by the Iranian Intelligence Forces, and their ...

22 December 2022 18:26


Hengaw: Thursday, December 22, 2022

Two citizens, Hirad Bahmani and Azad Falati have been transferred to an unknown location after being kidnapped by the Iranian Intelligence Forces, and their fate remains unknown.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, Hirad Bahmani, a 31-year-old citizen from Sanandaj, was kidnapped in his home located on Shabli Blvd.

On Sunday, December 11, 2022, Azad Falati, a resident of Hajiabad, Sanandaj, was kidnapped by Iranian intelligence forces in his shop.

The fate of these two citizens, after being kidnapped by the government forces, is unclear, and the follow-ups of their families have been fruitless.

Until the time of preparation of this report, the exact information about the fate and whereabouts of these two citizens was not available, and they had been deprived of the right to access a lawyer and meet their families.

According to the statistics registered in the statistics and documents center of the Hengaw organization for human rights, more than 6,500 Kurdish citizens have been arrested or kidnapped by the Iranian government institutions since Saturday, September 17, 2022.

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