Four men from a village in Marivan were violently abducted by Iranian government forces

Iranian government forces abducted Sadi Ghafari, Sarkawt Abdi, Rezgar Mosnafi, and another civilian named Luqman (last name unknown) from the ...

26 January 2023 22:30


Hengaw: January 26, 2023

Iranian government forces abducted Sadi Ghafari, Sarkawt Abdi, Rezgar Mosnafi, and another civilian named Luqman (last name unknown) from the village of Chorr in Marivan city.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, early in the morning on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, Iranian government forces raided the houses of Sarkawt Ghafari, Rezgar Mosnafi, and Luqman in this village and abducted them. These three citizens were severely beaten following their abduction and were not allowed to wear warm clothes. Also, the security forces seized their mobile phones.

There is no detailed information about the current situation of these three citizens, their condition, or their location.

Earlier, another resident of this village, named Sadi Ghafari, was abducted on the evening of Monday, January 23, 2023, by the intelligence forces of the IRGC.

He was then accused in the 2nd branch of the Marivan court by Judge Shahsevari on charges of "participating in protest gatherings" and "collaborating with Kurdish opposition parties."

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