The verdict of Masaood Darsanj from Bukan was 33 months of imprisonment

Masaood Darsanj from Bukan, who was detained and interrogated last winter by government authorities, has been sentenced to 33 months' imprisonment.

01 May 2023 22:10


Hengaw, Monday, May 1st, 2023

Masaood Darsanj from Bukan, who was detained and interrogated last winter by  government authorities, has been sentenced to 33 months' imprisonment. 

According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Masaood Darsanj has recently been sentenced to 33 months of imprisonment by the 101 branch of the criminal court of Bukan on charges of "connection with a Kurdish opposition party, participating in protests against the Iranian government, and sending videos and reports of protests to opposition media".

According to an informed source, in recent days the verdict was formally presented to Mr. Darsanj by the criminal court of Bukan. 

Mr. Darsanj was initially taken into custody by the authorities in Bukan on January 15th, 2023. At the time, Hengaw had reported that Mr. Darsanj’s mobile phone and laptop had been confiscated by the authorities.

After a month in detention, Mr. Darsanj was released on bail in March 2023 in the amount of 350 million toman.

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