Resident from Hormozgan detained for desecrating sanctities and burning Quran

Payman Salary from HajiAbad in Hormozgan province has been detained and relocated to an undisclosed facility.

23 May 2023 21:00


Hengaw; Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Payman Salary from HajiAbad in Hormozgan province has been detained and relocated to an undisclosed facility.

According to reports obtained by the Hengaw organization for human rights, Payman Salary, a 33 year-old resident of “Jabin” in HajiAbad county was brutally assaulted and detained by the intelligence agency personnel on Monday, May 22, 2023.

Reliable sources have indicated that Mr. Salary was detained at his place of residence on charges of "blasphemy" and "the deliberate burning of the Quran”. 

At this moment the exact whereabouts and custodial status of Peyman Salari remain unknown, and his family's endeavors to inquire about his situation has gotten nowhere.

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