Two Kurdish civil activists have been detained in Sahneh

Sayyed Farhad Zalnoori and Sayyed Fariborz Shahibrahimi both Kurdish civil activists and “Yarsan

23 May 2023 21:42


Hengaw; Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

Sayyed Farhad Zalnoori and Sayyed Fariborz Shahibrahimi both Kurdish civil activists and “Yarsan adherents” have been detained and relocated to an undisclosed facility by the Iranian authorities.


According to credible reports received by the Hengaw organization for Human Rights, on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, intelligence agency forces arrested Seyed Farhad Zalnoori and Seyed Fariborz Shahibrahimi, both active Yarsan adherents and civil activists, at their respective private residences in Sahneh.

An informed source has revealed that these residents were brutally assaulted and detained without judicial order or warrant.

It is important to highlight that these two Kurdish activists had previously been arrested, along with more than 20 others, during the commemoration ceremony marking the twenty-first anniversary of the assassination of Seyed Khalil Alinajad on Friday,November 17, 2022.

As of the time of this reporting, there is no precise information available regarding the reasons behind the arrests and the charges brought against these individuals. their current whereabouts and custodial status also remains unclear.

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