Complete isolation and uncertainty of a Kurdish individual in custody of Iranian government

Arman Nikpay, a resident of Marivan, has been taken to custody by government forces for over two weeks and y

28 July 2023 13:22


Hengaw; Friday, July 28, 2023

Arman Nikpay, a resident of Marivan,  has been taken to custody by government forces for over two weeks and yet, his current situation remains uncertaint. 

As reported obtained by the Hengaw organization for Human Rights, reveals that Arman Nikpay, from the village of "Ney" in Marivan, has been in government custody for the past 15 days, with no information available concerning his whereabouts. Despite the relentless efforts by his family to ascertain his condition, they have been unable to obtain any conclusive results.

It is worth noting that intelligence forces have also confiscated Arman Nikpay's mobile phone and utilizing his social media accounts to communicate with his contacts, seeking information to build a legal case against him.

Arman Nikpay's apprehension took place on Thursday, July 13th, 2023, at his place of employment, without the presentation of any judicial warrant.

It is important to note that Arwin Nikpay, Arman Nikpay's brother, was recently released from the Marivan Intelligence Detention Center on Thursday, May 25th, 2023, following four months of detention, upon posting bail of 500 million tomans.

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