Fouad Qadimi, one of the protesters in Diwandara who was injured, passed away
Due to the severity of his wounds, Qadimi, a resident of Diwandara who was cri

Hengaw: September 21, 2022
Due to the severity of his wounds, Qadimi, a resident of Diwandara who was critically injured during recent protests in this city by direct fire from Iran security forces, passed away after three days at 5 am on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, in Kausar Hospital in Sanandaj.
Fouad Qadimi, who was shot in the abdomen by the Iranian security forces, has reportedly remained unconscious at Kausar Hospital for the past three days, according to a report obtained by the Hengaw human rights organization.
It should be noted that on September 18, numerous persons suffered injuries as a result of the civil demonstrations held by the residents of Diwandara to protest the state kill of Kurdish girl Zhina Amini. Another Diwandara resident named Mohsen Mohammadi was also killed by Iran Security forces' open fire during this protest.
According to data compiled by the Statistics and Documents Center of the Hengaw Human Rights Organization, during the protests of the last three days, at least six Kurdish protesters were killed by direct fire from the government forces, including two in Diwandara, one each in Urmia, Piranshahr, Dehgolan, and Saqqez.