November 25 , International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women — A statistical report by Hengaw
Hengaw : On the occasion of November 25 , International Day for the

Hengaw : On the occasion of November 25 , International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Hengaw Human Rights Organization publishes a statistical report about violations of women's rights in Iranian Kurdistan.
According to the statistics registered in Statistics Data Center of Hengaw Human Rights Organization , during past year (November 25, 2019 to November 25, 2020), a total of 172 cases of women's rights violations have been registered in Iranian Kurdistan.
The cases are as follows;
Detention of 34 Kurdish female activists :
During the past year, according to Hengaw Organisation’s statistics, at least 34 Kurdish female activists have been detained by the security services of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
According to this report, during this period, 12 Kurdish women were detained in Kermanshah province, 10 women in Kurdistan province, 7 woman in West Azerbaijan province and in Ilam, Lorestan, Mazandaran and Khorasan provinces, 1 Kurdish women each. A woman from Syrian Kurdistan ( Rojava ) has also been detained by security forces.
Of the 34 detained women , 21 were charged with political activities , 8 with civil rights activities and 5 with religious activities
Issuance of judicial verdict for 13 Kurdish female activists:
During the past year, 13 Kurdish women activists have been tried and sentenced to prison by the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran for their political and civil rights activities, several of whom have been sentenced to more than 10 years in prison.
These 13 Kurdish women activists were sentenced to a total of 76 years and 3 months in prison and 30 lashes.
21 Women killed in femicides :
From November 25, 2019 to November 25, 2020, at least 21 Kurdish women and girls were killed, most of them by relatives.
According to the report, 7 of these women were from Kurdistan province,
7 women from West Azerbaijan province,
6 women from Kermanshah province
and 1 woman from Ilam province.
According to Hengaw’s statistics, most of these killings were due to family disputes and 3 cases were honor killings.
104 women committed suicide in Iranian Kurdistan last year:
Last year, at least 104 suicides were registered in Iranian Kurdistan by Hengaw Statistics and Documentation Data Center.
According to Hengaw’s statistics, most of these suicides were due to family disputes and poverty.
36 cases of suicides were registered in Kurdistan province, 28 cases in West Azerbaijan province, 23 cases in Kermanshah province and 17 cases in Ilam province.
Majority of suicide cases were registered in West Azerbaijan province, which were 51 cases.
34 cases were registered in Kurdistan province , 23 cases Kermanshah province and 22 cases in Ilam province.
Also, out of 104 women who committed suicide, 25 of them were under the age of 25