Another 32 killed people identified in kurdistan
Hengaw Human Right Organization identified another 32 Kurdish citizens that killed by Islamic Republic of Iran regime.

Hengaw Human Right Organization identified another 32 Kurdish citizens that killed by Islamic Republic of Iran regime.
According to received reports Mohsen Karami-nia and Saeed Reza-ie killed in Kermanshah city in the course of recent anti governmental protests in Kurdish region of Iran. Also, Pouria Naseri another Kurdish citizen killed by Iranian forces in Tehran and in the recent days Pouria’s corpse has delivered to his family.
On Saturday 23th November, a Kurdish teenager Mohammad Reza Ahmadi killed by direct volley of Iranian forces. Mohammad was 17 years old.
According to Hengaw statistics, more than 50 Kurdish citizens have killed by IRI’s military forces, but Hengaw could identify 32 personal identity of them up to now.
Kermanshah 28 persons:
1. Mohammad Mirzaie
2. Nader Bijan-vand
3. Mazhar Zohairi
4. Yones Ezati
5. Dr. Borhan Masouri-nia (from Maeivan)
6. Adolreza Shirazi
7. Yones Jalili
8. Mostefa Farzami
9. Bahman Azizi
10. Hesam Barani-Rad (from Rwansar)
11. Armin Qaderi
12. Mohammad Palani
13. Mozafar Vatan-Doost
14. Mohsen Karimian
15. Saeed Rezaie
Another 13 persons could not identify by Hengaw up to now.
Javanrood (6 persons)
1. Kaveh Mohammadi
2. Yones firooz-Bakht
3. Ibrahim Moradi
4. Mobin Abdollahi (from Rwansar)
5. Jabar Tejare
One of deceased person is unknown to Hengaw.
Marivan (8 persons). In Mrivan 8 Kurdish citizens killed by Iranian regime that 5 persons are known for Hengaw.
1. Osman Naderi (from Nodshe)
2. Mehran Tak
3. Danyal Ostovari (from Nodshe)
4. Behrooz Malaki
5. Arvin Rajabi
Before that, we received various reports about Edris Biware that killed by government, but we couldn’t confirm the validity of received reports about him.
Sanandaj (2 persons)
1. Mohammad Reza Ahmadi
In Sanandaj, based on received reports an unknown woman killed but her identity is not obvious for Hengaw.
Tehran and Karaj: at least 6 Kurdish citizens have killed by Iranian regime in central cities of Iran.
1. Sajad Bagheri from Kermanshah killed in Tehran
2. Pouria Naseri-Khah from Kermanshah killed in Tehran
3. Naser Reza-ie from Qurwe killed in Karaj
4. Mohammad Heydarian from Sonqur killed in Karaj
5. Mina Skekhie from Saqez killed in Tehran
6. Mohsen Jafar Panah from Bijar killed in Islam-Shahr (Tehran).