444 Kolbars become victim in Rouhani’s term

19 May 2017 16:13
Hengaw: During the past four years, hundreds of Kurdish Kolbars in Rojhealt (Eastetn, Iranian) Kurdistan have dead or wounded.
According to the statistics registered in the Statistic Center of Hengaw, 444 Kolbar have dead or wounded from May 2012 till May 2017.
Based on the report, 195 Koblars have been shot dead by the Iranian security regime and 249 have been wounded mostly by direct shooting of the Iranian military forces.
During the Rouhani term, on average, 9 Kolbars have been killed or wounded every moth.
Moreover, during this period, 48 Kurdish Kolbars have been arrested and hundreds of Kolbars’ horses have been killed.