The number of arrests in Oshnaviyeh reaches up to 6 during last week

Hengaw: With the arrest of another citizen in the Oshnaviyeh district of West Azerbaijan

28 June 2021 15:52


Hengaw: With the arrest of another citizen in the Oshnaviyeh district of West Azerbaijan (Urmia) province the number of people detained in this city during the last week reaches up to 6.

  According to a report received by Hengaw Human Rights Organization, on Sunday, June 27, 2021, a citizen from the village of "Shahvaneh" in Oshnaviyeh, identified as " Shuresh Mahmoudian", was arrested by Iranian Security Forces without issuing any court order or arrest warrant.

As of preparation of this report, there is no information on the reason or reasons for the arrest of This citizen and the charges against him are unclear.

  According to the statistics registered in the Statistics and Data Documentation Center of Hengaw Human Rights Organization, at least 6 citizens of Oshnaviyeh have been detained by the Iranian security agencies during the last week, 2 of whom have been released and 4 are still in detention.

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