The arrest and transfer of a citizen from Piranshahr to Naqadeh prison

A citizen from Piranshahr with the identity of Bakhtiar Mostafapour, who was arrested last week,

26 July 2022 23:58

Hengaw: Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A citizen from Piranshahr with the identity of Bakhtiar Mostafapour, who was arrested last week, was transferred from the detention center of Piranshahr Intelligence office to Naqadeh Central Prison on Saturday, July 23, 2022. 

According to the report received by Hengaw Human Rights Organization, Bakhtiar Mostafapour from Sagarkan village was arrested on Thursday, July 21, by the Piranshahr Intelligence forces without presenting any judicial document.

Hengaw has been informed that the security agencies have accused Bakhtiar Mostafapour of cooperating with one of the Kurdish opposition parties of the government.

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