The Evin courthouse in Tehran fabricated a false intelligence file against an abducted Kurdish female activist from Sanandaj

After 50 days in detention, Nasim Mardokhi, an Islamic arts student, was confronted with a fabricated intelligence file by the Islamic Republic ...

06 December 2022 17:16


Hengaw: December 6, 2022

After 50 days in detention, Nasim Mardokhi, an Islamic arts student, was confronted with a fabricated intelligence file by the Islamic Republic of Iran's judiciary system.

The Hengaw Organization for Human Rights has learned that Nasim Mardokhi, a 36-year-old Tehran resident from Sanandaj, has had her case filed with Mahmoud Hajmoradi, an investigator in the second branch of the Evin Prosecutor's Office, on charges of "anti-security consensus and collusion" and "propaganda against the regime."

After her daily workout, Nasim Mardokhi was detained on her way home on October 15, 2022, by security forces, and after some time, she was sent to Qarchak Prison.

Nasim's elderly mother attempted to follow up with the Evin Prosecutor's Office branch and the investigator in this case, but she was unsuccessful in learning more about her daughter's condition.

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