Three Kurdish “Kolbar(Porters) Injured in Direct Shooting by the Iranian Border Guards in Nowsud

Armed government forces stationed at the Nowsud border, a region within the jurisd

04 January 2024 21:06

Hengaw; Thursday, January 4, 2024

Armed government forces stationed at the Nowsud border, a region within the jurisdiction of Paveh in Kermanshah province, took direct shots at a caravan of Kurdish porters, resulting in severe injuries to three porters from the cities of Javanroud and Ravansar.

According to reports received by the Hengaw organization for Human Rights, on the evening of Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024, two Kolbar, Hossein Rostami from Javanroud and Farhad (last name unspecified) from Tazehabad in the Shahou district of Ravansar were wounded by the gunfire of Nowsud border guards.

Additionally, another unidentified Kolbar was injured during the shooting by the border guards of the Islamic Republic of Iran and his identity has not yet been confirmed. These Kolbars sustained injuries to their limbs during the incident.

Hengaw's statistics reveal a significant increase in the killing and injuring of Kolbars in 2023, with 41 Kolbars killed and at least 292 injured, marking a substantial rise compared to previous years.

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