Ghezel Hesar Prison: Three Political Prisoners Protest Against the "Systematic Murder" and “White Massacre" of Political Prisoners by the Iranian Judiciary

02 September 2024 12:37

Ahmadreza Haeri, Hamzeh Savari, and Saeed Masouri, three political prisoners detained in Ghezel Hesar Prison, have published an open letter warning about the systematic murder and silent massacre of political prisoners, as well as the critical physical condition of Afshin Baymani and Saman Yasin, two prisoners held in this prison. The full text of the letter follows below:

Protest by Three Political Prisoners Against the "Systematic Murder" and “White Massacre" of Political Prisoners by the Judiciary

Greetings to the honorable and free people,

Our two fellow inmates, Mr. Afshin Baymani and Mr. Saman Yasin, with whom we have spent the past year in Unit Four of Ghezel Hesar Prison, are now facing a serious threat to their right to life due to illegal procedures and the "securitization of prisoners' medical treatment." This same approach previously claimed the lives of dear ones such as Baktash Abtin, Sasan Niknafas, Behnam Mahjoubi, and dozens of other political and non-political prisoners.

Our fellow inmate, Mr. Afshin Baymani, is now in his twenty-fifth year of imprisonment. As a result of enduring a "quarter century" of unjust imprisonment, he has developed heart failure. In recent months, he has been examined by several doctors inside the prison (Dr. Hajibabaei on January 12, 2024; Dr. Amjadi on January 29, 2024, and July 29, 2024; and Dr. Rajabi on August 28, 2024). Each time, these doctors have emphasized the urgent need for immediate treatment and heart surgery outside the prison. In the fall of last year, Forensic Medicine also confirmed Mr. Baymani's heart failure and referred him to Dr. Bahar Moradi, a cardiology specialist. Dr. Moradi stressed the urgency of surgery and the need for the patient to be hospitalized and kept away from stressful conditions (the prison). (Documents of these medical orders are available.)

In these circumstances, the Tehran Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutor, and the supervising prison judge, Mr. Nayyeri, for unknown reasons, have refused to grant Mr. Baymani medical leave for urgent heart surgery and other necessary treatments outside the prison under the supervision of his family.

Regarding the latest condition of Mr. Afshin Baymani, we, as his fellow inmates, asked him to refrain from participating in the thirty-first week of the "No to Executions" hunger strike campaign on Tuesday, 6 Shahrivar 1403, due to his heart problems. However, he insisted on participating in this strike and spent Tuesday fasting with us. Less than half a day later, on Wednesday, he suffered another heart attack and was transferred to a medical center outside the prison with symptoms of a heart attack. He was returned to prison a day later.

We must also testify about our other fellow inmate, Mr. Saman Yasin, a detained artist. Despite his two hospitalizations at the Razi Psychiatric Hospital and the forensic commission's opinion that his condition is worsening in prison, and even though this young man has been in an uncertain situation in prison for nearly two years, the prosecutor's office and their representative have shown no concern for safeguarding the life of this political prisoner. They have merely limited themselves to writing letters to the prison and emphasizing the "prisoner's access to medical services!"

Meanwhile, in addition to other illnesses, Saman suffers from panic attacks, which are exacerbated by the stressful conditions of the prison. So much so that his life is at risk every day and every hour.

The reality in Ghezel Hesar Prison is horrifying and inhumane. We do not wish to play with words, nor do we seek to go beyond the truth even by a bit.
The Tehran Prosecutor and their deputy, whether knowingly and deliberately or under pressure from other institutions, have, by failing to act by the law and continuing to keep these two fellow inmates in prison while denying them the right to medical treatment outside of prison under the supervision of doctors approved by their families, effectively facilitated their "systematic murder" and “white massacre." This murder and massacre, according to credible information, is also occurring among dozens of other prisoners in other prisons, including Sheiban Prison in Ahvaz, the women's ward of Evin Prison, Ward 4 of Evin Prison, and so on.

In conclusion, as fellow inmates of these two dear ones, we demand the release or at least immediate medical leave of Afshin Baymani and Saman Yasin. We hold the Tehran Prosecutor, their deputy, and, of course, at higher levels, the Judiciary and the prison organization, responsible for any incident that endangers the health or life of these dear ones in prison. It is obvious that if these illegal conditions and violations of the rights of these two dear ones continue, we will consider resistance and protest our rights and will carry out further protests within the prison.

Ahmadreza Haeri  
Hamzeh Savari  
Saeed Masouri  

Ghezel Hesar Prison  
August 2024

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