
There are 346 items matching your search Marivan

6 Kurdish children kidnapped by Iranian government forces in Sanandaj, Kalatarzan, and Marivan

  Hengaw: Sunday, December 4, 2022 The Iranian Government forces in Sanandaj, Kalatarzan, and Marivan kidnapped six students named Ala Dasti, Peshawa Ahmadi, Karo Fathi, Qane Lotfi, ...

04 December 2022 14:40

Iranian judiciary’s Judge, Salvati sentenced one of the  arrested students from Marivan to 5 years in prison

Hengaw: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 The Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran presided over by Judge Abolqasem Salvati, known as the "Judge of Death,"  sentenced Seyed Pouri...

30 November 2022 19:08

Iranian government forces kidnapped four Kurdish citizens in Marivan

  Hengaw: Saturday, November 25, 2022 The Iranian government forces kidnapped four citizens from Marivan named Mobin Patini, Sirwan Kirdari, Mohammad Dadres, and Omar Jahani, and the...

26 November 2022 23:00

Massacre in Kurdistan: A Kurdish man from Marivan was killed by Iranian government forces

  Hengaw: Friday, November 25, 2022 Jabar Farghizadeh, a Kurdish citizen from "Asaneh" village (Asanabad) and a resident of Marivan, was killed by direct fire from Iranian ...

26 November 2022 12:06

Sanandaj; the detention of Nasrin Mohammadi, a sister of one of the protest fatalities, from November 2019

Hengaw: November 16, 2022 Nasrin Mohammadi from Marivan, whose brother Osman Mohammadi was killed by government repressive forces during the November 2019 protests in Iran, was kidnapped by...

16 November 2022 23:30

Waves of arrests continued: In Marivan, government forces abducted two citizens

Hengaw: November 11, 2022 In the city of Marivan, Iranian government forces violently abducted Payman Tarem and Mohammad Hisami; their whereabouts remain unknown. Two civilians, named ...

11 November 2022 13:40

The wave of arrests of teenagers continues in Sanandaj, Shahin Dej, and Marivan

Hengaw: November 8, 2022 Three juveniles named Milad Karimi, Mardin Ghorbani, and Raman Hamzeh were abducted by government agents in the cities of Shahindej, Sanandaj, and Marivan, in conti...

08 November 2022 22:46

Kurdistan protests— Hengaw’s report No. 10 regarding the death of 61 and injury of over 5000 Kurdish citizens

   Hengaw: Monday, November 7, 2022  During the 50 days of protests and resistance in Kurdistan (Iran) which took place in 38 cities, at least 61 Kurdish citizens have b...

07 November 2022 14:34

Khabat Waisi was abducted yet again by government authorities

Hengaw: November 7, 2022 Khabat Waisi, a Marivan student who was temporarily released on bail three weeks ago, was taken by government forces once more. Khabat Waisi, a 25-year-old stu...

07 November 2022 14:18

Abducting two women in Marivan and Sanandaj + statistics

  Hengaw: Sunday, November 6, 2022 In recent days, the government forces of the Islamic Republic abducted Hana Vakil, a doctor from Sanandaj, and Marzieh Hosseini, a civil activist f...

07 November 2022 13:37

In the cities of Mahabad and Sanandaj, government forces killed at least two young people

  Hengaw: Thursday, October 27, 2022 At least two young men from the cities of Mahabad and Sanandaj, named Ismaeil Mauludi and Mohammad Shariati, were murdered by direct fire from th...

27 October 2022 13:31

Hengaw’s exclusive report on the protests and casualties on October 12, across Iranian Kurdistan

  Hengaw: Thursday, October 13, 2022    During yesterday’s protests October 12, 2022, which were held in more than 10 different cities across Iranian Kurdistan to a...

13 October 2022 12:51

Four representatives of shop-owners in Nagahdeh arrested after demand of reopening of their stores

  Hengaw: Wednesday, October 5, 2022  After the general strike in most cities across Iranian Kurdistan, the Public Places Supervision Department sealed the trade unions in the c...

05 October 2022 13:03

Gulala Watandost, Kurdish lawyer and women's rights activist from Marivan arrested

  Monday, October 3, 2022  Gulala Watandoost, a renowned lawyer and women’s rights activist in Marivan, was arrested by the Iranian security forces and taken to an unkn...

04 October 2022 00:58

Kurdistan protests— 4 citizens from Marivan arrested and transferred to Urmia

  Hengaw;  Monday, October 11, 1401  During the recent protests in Marivan, 4  citizens identified as 45-year-old Jalil Ahmadi, 30-year-old Hiwa Darbarzi, 30-year-old,...

03 October 2022 15:11

Kurdistan protests — Hengaw’s report number 8 regarding the death of 23 and injury of 1138 citizens

  n the protests during the past few days in Iranian Kurdistan, one protestor was killed, the identity of 3 other victims persons has been clarified, and the number of arrests has increased...

03 October 2022 11:44

Kurdistan protests; A young man from Marivan was killed during the protests tonight

  Hengaw: Saturday, October 1, 2022 A young man from Marivan named Mokhtar Ahmadi was killed by direct fire from the IRGC forces during public protests.   According to th...

01 October 2022 21:06

The beginning of general strikes in nearly 20 cities — Report number 1

  Hengaw/ Saturday, October 1, 2022    According to the reports received by the Hengaw human rights organization, today, October 1, 2022, There have been widespread strik...

01 October 2022 12:00

Hengaw Report No. 5 on the Kurdistan protests, 7 dead and 450 injured

  Hengaw: Wednesday, September 21, 2022    At least three Kurdish protestors were murdered by direct fire from Iranian security forces during demonstrations on Tuesday, Sept...

21 September 2022 15:49

Report No. 4 of Hengaw on the situation in the cities of Kurdistan after the protests

  Hengaw: Tuesday, September 20, 2022   Based on the statistics recorded in the Statistics and Documents Center of Hengaw Human Rights Organization, during the strikes and pro...

21 September 2022 00:20